College has become more and more expensive while funding options have become harder to obtain. Loans have become an almost insurmountable burden for many college graduates. Yet society places a high value on college education. Many fields don’t hire people who’ve not completed a basic college education. LCEF makes college possible for deserving Lake Cities Integrative School District students.
How the Scholarship Works
Each year, LCEF holds fundraisers (the Gala and Golf Tournament) to raise funds for the scholarship. In addition, Lake Cities residents and businesses make contributions. Over the years, friends and family members have established endowed scholarships in honor of loved ones.
Graduating seniors apply and are awarded scholarships each June. Sixteen years ago, LCEF awarded the first scholarships to nine deserving students. Those scholarships totaled $4500. Since then, more than $283,000 has been awarded to 244 seniors. These students were able to go on to college with a smaller financial burden. Many have returned to the Lake Cities area to contribute their skills.
2016 Scholarship Winners
We’re incredibly proud of all of this year’s winners. We wish all of you the best in your future endeavors and look forward to seeing the difference each of you makes as a result of your college education.
· Timothy Gowans - CoServe Electric Endowed Scholarship
· Kailyn Beauchamp - Lake Cities Chamber of Commerce Endowed Scholarship
· Austin Benedetti - Matthew Webb Memorial Endowed Scholarship
· Delaney Greer - Jason Powell Memorial Endowed Scholarship
· Rugger Collier - LCEF Board of Directors Scholarship
· Maria Dunne - LCEF Board of Directors Scholarship
· Jared Collier - LCEF Board of Directors Scholarship
· Gabriela Estes - Oakmont Men's Golf Assoc. Endowed Scholarship
· Dagan Hahn - Lake Cities Lions Club Scholarship
· Ellysa Reyna - Sawko & Burrows Endowed Scholarship
· Nicole Jimenez - CoServ Electric Pass-Through Scholarship
· Aaron Ruggiere - Tyler Morse Memorial Endowed Scholarship
· Nester Vasquez - BirchBreeze Foundation Scholarship
· Shayla Holland - Lake Cities Directors Endowed Scholarship
· Claire Smith - Louis B. Drozd, Jr., Memorial Endowed Scholarship
· Derriere Blake - Nicholas Hibberd Memorial Endowed Scholarship
· Jordan McCoy - CW2 Christopher Chabot Martin Memorial Endowed Scholarshi