2018-2019 GRANT AWARDS

Project Title:  Bass Bars for Music Room                                                                         

Grant Amount Received: $1000.00
Grant Director:  Melinda Sherrouse, Music Teacher, Elizabeth Stewart, Special Ed. Lead Teacher, Corinth Elementary School
Abstract:    Corinth Elementary music teacher Melinda Sherrouse co-authored this grant with Special Education Lead Teacher, Elizabeth Stewart, to provide “bass bars” for special education students.  These instruments will allow special education students to actively participate in the music classroom alongside their peers by giving them an opportunity to create simple accompaniment.


Project Title:  Creating Sensorimotor Pathways to Engage Young Students and Enhance Learning

Grant Amount Received:  $1500.00
Grant Directors: Riley Caughlin, Beth Lake, Cheryl Lane, Kindra Kelley, Amee Bowen, Special Education Professionals, Shady Shores Elementary School
Abstract: The purpose of this grant is to provide materials to create “sensorimotor pathways”—vibrant, vinyl representations of objects that are appealing to young children.  Embedded in these presentations are numbers, shapes and colors over which students maneuver as they follow the pathway.  Students in the Structured and Lifeskills classrooms at Shady Shores Elementary School will benefit from engaging in appealing physical activity skills while also acquiring academic, motor and social skills.


Project Title:  Phonics at Work and at Play                                                                        

Grant Amount Received: $420
Grant Director: Ann Lenard, Kindergarten Teacher, Shady Shores Elementary School
Abstract:  Shady Shores Elementary School kindergarten teacher, Ann Lenard, was awarded this grant to purchase LeapFrog hand-held letter and word machines that will assist students in acquiring phonemic skills, thus improving their ability to decode and spell words and read orally.

Project Title:  LDHS Falcon Flight Academy Technology

Grant Amount Received: $2160
Grant Director:  Ann Hodges, Brandon Wright, Gerardo Castillo, Chloe Callaway, Stewart Richards, Falcon Flight Academy Instructors, Lake Dallas High School
Abstract:  This grant will provide five Acer Chromebooks for the LDHS Falcon Flight Academy Instruction to assist in the facilitation of instruction in engaged classroom settings, as well as allow for instructors’ mobility outside the classroom.  Instructors will be able to use the technology to create blended-learning environments to better meet the needs of their students.

Project Title: Taking it Outside at SSE

Grant Amount Received: $5000.00
Grant Director: Amy Koch, Amee Bowen, Kindra Kelley, Lisa Schreck, Michelle Keshler, Carrie McDaniel, Beth Lake, Dawn Grey, Special Education Professionals, Shady Shores Elementary Schoo;l
Abstract: This grant will provide the integration of “real-life” experiences into the curriculum by creating an outdoor classroom space that will take learning beyond the classroom walls.  Students will be given the opportunity to experience nature while participating in interactive activities that incorporate science, math, language arts, social studies and art instruction.

Project Title:  Falcon Pride Mariachi Band                               

Grant Amount Received: $5000.00
Grant Director: Arely Potts, Assistant Principal, Lake Dallas Elementary School
Abstract: Lake Dallas Elementary School Assistant Principal Arely Potts authored this grant to provide funds necessary to create a Falcon Pride Mariachi Band.  The University of North Texas Mariachi Band will partner with Lake Dallas Elementary School and inspire students to appreciate not only music but also build connections between disparate culture heritages within the campus.

Project Title:  Read Share Repeat                                                    

Grant Amount Received: $2500.00
Grant Director: Juli Bartley, Anne Waidelich, English Language Arts Teachers, Lake Dallas Middle School
Abstract: Lake Dallas Middle School Language Arts Teachers will use this grant to create a guided reading library from which teachers will be able to select recent, relevant and appropriate books for small reading groups to ignite and cultivate students’ love of reading.


Project Title:  Leveraging the Power of TED Talks and Green Screen Technology to Give English Language Learners a Voice and a Vehicle to Refine Newly Acquired Language Skills                             

Grant Amount Received: $2500.00
Grant Director: Desi Beard, Library Media Specialist,  and Lezli Collins, ESL Specialist, Lake Dallas Middle School
Abstract:  Lake Dallas Middle School Library Media Specialist Desi Beard and ESL Specialist Lezli Collins co-authored this grant to provide funds to purchase required technology that will enable English language learned to participate in a green screen video project fashioned after the popular TED Talk Series.  Students will gain confidence and fluency with the English language through this project by viewing different TED Talk examples and then producing their own “talk” after researching a topic, writing their speech and recording and editing with the computer-based software.

Project Title:  Equipping Students to be Future Ready Leaders and Communicators                                                            

Grant Amount Received: $5000.00
Grant Director: Deanna Smith, Yearbook Advisor, and Tyler Hardin, 4H Teacher, Lake Dallas Middle School
Abstract: The purpose of this grant is to give students at Lake Dallas Middle School the opportunity to develop communication and leadership skills that will better equip them in their career paths.  With the equipment purchased from these awarded funds, students on the yearbook staff and in 4H classes will learn how to use multimedia tools, such as iMovie and HP Reveal (Aurasma-augmented reality) and learn how to create content using digital movie and still camera equipment.  Yearbook staff will be incorporating video for the first time in the school yearbook, and 4 H classes will be creating commercials, public service announces, and other content directly related to their 4H curriculum and community-based projects.

Project Title: Mindfulness Boxes                                                                 

Grant Amount Received: $1000.00
Grant Director: Deborah Gladen, Teacher, Shady Shores Elementary School
Abstract: The students at Shady Shores Elementary School have been learning and practicing the 7 Habits of Happy Kids in order to gain the tools for planning goals, working with others and caring for themselves.  The purpose of this grant is extend the strategies learned by supplying mindfulness boxes for each classroom to help students develop self-regulation strategies.  Teaching students self-regulation through the use of a mindfulness box can address the academic, social-emotional and career development standards that are vital to student well-being and success.

Project Title: Building STEAM into Literacy and Math                                                     

Grant Amount Received: $1,160
Grant Director: Dawn Grey, Technology Integration Specialist, Shady Shores Elementary School
Abstract: Building STEAM into core curriculum is a way to help students connect the skills they are learning with real world situations.  The funds from this grant will allow students to create 3D printings while developing their math skills, further helping students to understand the importance of math concepts and how these skills are needed as adults.  After researching related topics, tudents will also be able to create video products through the use of green screen technology.


Project Title:  Technology Integration in the Gym                                                               

Grant Amount Received: $760.00
Grant Director: Jamie Roach, P.E. Teacher, Lake Dallas Elementary School
Abstract: With the help from this grant, the P.E. teacher Jamie Roach will purchase equipment that will enable the Lake Dallas Elementary School Gym to have the capacity to stream music, show short video clips, incorporate virtual exercise programs and support the campuses Marathon Kids tracking program.

Project Title:  Growing Relationships                                                      

Grant Amount Received: $1000.00
Grant Director: Kendra Black, Special Education teacher, and Justin Domingue, Science teacher, Lake Dallas Middle School
Abstract: The awarding of this grant will allow LDMS science teacher Justin Domingue, and Life Skills teacher, Kendra Black, the funds to create an outdoor classroom space for LDMS Learning Center students.  These students will partners with the campus 4H program to build, plant and maintain a garden, giving them the opportunity to learn horticulture skills while also developing interpersonal skills and building relationships with their peers.

Project Title:  Cooking Up Entrepreneurship                                            

Grant Amount Received: $1000.00
Grant Director: Kendra Black, Special Education teacher, and Justin Domingue, Science teacher, Lake Dallas Middle School
Abstract: The funds from this grant will be used to purchase standing mixers for the Lake Dallas Middle School Learning Center.  Students will use these mixers to support their “business” of making dog treats.  Through their entrepreneur efforts, the students are learning basic measuring and math skills as well as general small business practices, such as customer service, providing change, and learning conversational skills.  Students will sell these dog treats as a fundraising source for their Special Olympics Team.