Freezer Meal Business for Special Education
Special education students face many challenges both in school and after graduation. The modifications made in school don’t follow these students into life outside of school. A unique program at Lake Dallas High School aims to provide their special education students with life and career skills and certifications that will help facilitate employment. A grant from LCEF made it possible.
Grant Details
LCEF awarded a grant of $591 to the Special Education Department at Lake Dallas High School to start a Freezer Meal Business with their students. The program also helps the community. Students in the program receive orders for freezer meals. Based on the orders, the students prepare and freeze the meals and distribute them to the correct individuals. They’re also responsible for purchasing additional supplies for future orders and maintaining inventory.
In order to handle food, proper certifications must be obtained. As part of the Freezer Meal Business, students will complete an online training course and pass the requirements to receive their state food handlers license. The license is a resume building and the program itself builds transferable skills, meaning Lake Dallas High School special education students who participate in the program will have an easier time finding employment upon graduation.
LCEF Grants Program
The Lake Cities Educational Foundation takes pride in encouraging creative and innovative teaching approaches. Teachers who invest their time in our students by designing specialized teaching approaches often find they’re unable to implement the programs due to lack of funding. LCEF aims to remove that barrier with our grant program.
Grants are funded by community donations, both individuals and businesses. LCEF couldn’t provide funding for programs like the Freezer Meal Business without these amazing donors. To learn more about recent grant recipients or to make a donation, please visit our website.